
Showing posts with the label Emotional Support Animal

Avoid Being Ripped off by Fake ESA Letter With These Red Flags

 Finding a provider for having an emotional support animal letter? But do you really know whether the letter you are getting is legit or not?  Imagine you are right in the middle of the process for qualifying for an ESA and are overexcited with the benefits your ESA will offer. And at the same time are overwhelmed by seeing the number of providers offering ESA letter online. On finding the provider you weren’t sure about it but still pressed the trigger button. You finally got approval at a bargaining rate for an ESA. But what next? You planned your trip, did submit a request for accommodation, and started off on your journey. All went well till the time you got to know that your ESA letter is not legit. The landlord rejected your accommodation request as your letter was not verified.  Oh no! You’ve been victimized. Now, what will be your next step?  Are you in a confused state of mind? Don’t know how you’ll find a legitimate ESA letter provider? Then read ...

Are You Too Doing These Annoying Things With Your Dog?

Irrespective of the love we are giving to our pets, we as humans do things at times that can annoy the heck out of them. Though almost done unintentionally always, these things can, however, be annoying and detrimental at times.  Whether it is your ESA or any other dog, initially they don’t grasp some of the canine behaviors that might annoy us, including jumping on to strangers or sniffing at a person in a private place, we too make mistakes that annoy, worry or anger our dogs.  The following human habits are common violations in the case of canine customs. And you might be a part of some of these. So, if you are thinking of or have already applied for your emotional support animal letter for your dog, first read on these things to check your rapport with dogs. Hugs A regular hug from you can be pleasing for your dog as well. But dogs generally get annoyed by tight hugs, especially from children and strangers. And unlike primates, canines don’t have a history of graspi...

Learn The Mental Health Benefits of Being Around an ESA

 An emotional support animal is any animal that can provide mental health support through their empathetic and loving nature.  Dogs and cats are the most common options when you think about adopting an ESA, but they certainly are not the only option. Today, through an ESA letter you can legally adopt an emotional support animal after a valid recommendation from a doctor.   However, when you’re living in a country where almost 20 percent of the total population is suffering from one or the other mental illnesses.  It’s more important to understand how these furry animals are more than just a friendly companion, They help Produce Pleasure Hormones The loving and loyal nature of dogs or other ESAs can help them form an intense bond with their humans. Which could stimulate your neurotransmission activity and cause an increase in dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the pleasure response.  This often happens without the person re...

Things to Carry While Travelling With Dog in 2020

 Traveling with pets is one of the best and pleasurable moments in the lives of any pet owner. However, at the same time, it is important for us, the pet owners to take extra precautions or stay prepared while traveling with pets. It not only provides you and your pet safety but also makes your travel comfortable.   And, for people who are recommended emotional support dogs, they carry their emotional support animals wherever they travel for their emotional well being. Thus, it is vital for them to be prepared beforehand in order to avoid and mitigate any possible troubles that can occur during the trip. One thing to note here is that you should carry an Emotional Support Animal Letter as a document proof for your ESA. To address this problem of yours, the market is absolutely loaded with several pieces of tools and equipment that can be useful to your dog! It doesn't matter what is the mode of your travel- car, bike, plane, or even foot. Therefore, here are some of th...

What are the Ideal Dog Breeds for Your Emotional Support Dog?

 We all know that an emotional support animal is supposed to provide therapeutic benefits to the owner. It includes relieving from anxiety and make the owner comfortable in social gatherings. And, all this is achieved without any exclusive training!  And, without a doubt, most of us prefer an emotional support dog as an ESA. Of course, dogs are the most loved and preferred ones, however, we all still have an individual choice when it comes to choosing the breed. Depending upon the individual’s taste and requirements from an emotional support animal, the breeds are chosen.  However, a few of the most common features all emotional support dogs possess are being gentle, trainable, laid back, and sociable. To make choosing a breed easier for you, some of them are discussed below.  American Staffordshire Terrier They are the pit-bull types of dogs who have been misaligned for years now! Perhaps, it is due to the unfortunate reviews, results of the owners. Still, some ...

How Pets Help in Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes?

Do you enjoy the company of your furry friend? But do you know that sharing your lives and companionship with your pet also accompanies many health and mental benefits? And it is of no surprise that most of the pet owners have registered for an emotional support animal letter for their pet. Not only this, they also considered their pet as their own family member.  If you are a pet owner, then you probably know that pets, especially dogs understand our emotions and they interpret our body language and the tone of our voice very easily. And as a good loyal friend, they’ll look into your eyes to ascertain your emotional state and will try to understand what we are feeling and thinking.  And do you know pets also provide relief from health problems like depression, anxiety, stress, and also encourage us to stay active by doing exercise and thus help our cardiovascular health? And this is only possible if you care for your pet with these healthy lifestyle changes. Providing Compan...

What are the Benefits of Emotional Support Cats?

Whenever one talks about the emotional support animal, the first thing that comes in mind is a dog. However, there are many other ESA’s such as cats that provide the same love and emotional support to the patients. The other animal species play the same role as the dog to comfort an individual. They help the person with an emotional or psychological disability to mitigate the negative symptoms and live a normal life. For an emotional support animal letter , you can get in touch with a mental health professional to get a recommendation. Here are some of the mental health benefits of having an emotional support animal.  Companionship  Cats and other emotional support animals have profound effects on the psychology of the owner. They are always there to offer reassurance and compassion in the good and bad days. It is like having a loyal friend, by your side who never makes you feel lonely and provides continuous emotional support. In any situation, when the person has an ESA by t...

Learn About the Benefits of Emotional Support Animal

  There’s huge confusion about whether the ESA’s are helping people to deal with mental illnesses or not. About 20 % of the US population is suffering from one or the other mental illness and more treatment methods are being explored to overcome this disability.  Licensed therapists say they help in overcoming or dealing with a disability. And, the owners can take them to various places to comfort them when they have an ESA letter. With the ESA letter, you can also keep them in the rented accommodation.  Before you plan to get an emotional support animal , read on to find their benefits. Unconditional Love People who like animals, really like spending time with their furry pals. Even a person with the toughest heart feels good after having them by their side. The continuous support provided by them after acknowledging the feelings like a human friend leads to a consequential increase in endorphins, which is the reason mental health professionals are asking people to keep ...

What Are The Benefits an Emotional Support Animal Has?

 The bond that humans and animals share has been known for a long time. And pet owners were fit and fine, be it emotionally or mentally or physically. Not so surprising, right? Anyone with a pet can surely relate to this and can provide evidence to the endless joy they bring home every single day. They give unconditional love and have the power to melt a person’s heart. This is why many healthcare professionals are recommending people to get an ESA for themselves.  An ESA is not only a pet but it is a companion that helps a person suffering from a disability. The only thing that differentiates them from a normal pet is their ability to ease the mental and emotional symptoms of the person due to the illness. They support as well as help you in overcoming your disability.  Unlike a service animal, who is trained for performing tasks a person cannot do due to its disability, an ESA only provides companionship, support and love. But to enjoy all these benefits of your ani...

What Vegetables My Dog Cannot Eat?

 What do you feed your pooch to give nutrition and keep it healthy? Remember, if you have an emotional support dog ( which you can have if you have an emotional support animal letter ).  Your dog needs to be at its best healthy to help you stay mentally healthy. Some dog owners feed vegetables to their dogs in order to give the required nutrition and proteins. However, not all veggies are beneficial for your pooch. On the other hand, some vegetables are really beneficial for their health and can be given as a treat.  Dogs are omnivorous animals, hence only meat is not enough for them to keep them healthy and their immune system strong. So, here are some vegetables that dogs should and should not eat. Vegetables that dogs cannot eat Asparagus A non-toxic and safe to feed to the dog only when prepared adequately. To feed asparagus to your dog, cut it into smaller pieces so that they do not choke on them. Make sure to slightly sook the asparagus you feed to the dog. At ...

4 Most Common ESA Myths Debunked

The concept of emotional support animals is gaining a lot of popularity nowadays. Every single day, there are thousands of people who are applying for an ESA letter. And given the benefits an ESA provides you with, the rising number isn’t at all surprising. However, with this popularity, the myths surrounding ESAs are also becoming more and more common. Did you know, some people believe that it’s compulsory to buy a vest for your ESA? Some even think that online ESA certifications are not legal. There are so many such misconceptions that are becoming unnecessary obstacles for people in the path of getting an ESA. In this article, we’ll tell you about four such myths that are surrounding ESAs nowadays. And we’ll debunk them one by one. So, let’s begin. Myth 1: ESAs, Therapy Animals and Service Animals are the Same People often confuse an ESA with a therapy animal and a service animal. However, there are a few very significant differences between the three. Let’s understa...

5 Emotional Support Dog-Sports To Try This Summer

Running, playing, and gathering all attention they can- these are dogs’ some of the favorite sports! What’s so special about the summer of 2020? For most of us, summers are about longer days, scorching heat, no school, vacation, and more play-time with our pup! It is vital to spend some time with your dog, especially if it is an ESA. Remember to abide by each ESA Law . ESA needs equal attention and playtime besides being an emotional support companion! How about teaching fascinating new dog sports? There are so many activities that you and your dog can enjoy together. Work this summer of 2020 to teach your dogs new sports outside the comforts of air conditioners in the great outdoors! Why Try a New Dog Sport? Believe it or not- Dogs are capable of carrying out some really amazing things. For decades, they have been a companion to humans and stayed by their side. Because of this, our canine friends thoroughly enjoy working and playing. They love the tasks and tricks that we...

5 Tips for Your Future Emotional Support Cats

Cats, too, rule in this dog’s world- guide to choosing your feline Emotional support Cat. Not everyone is fond of dogs and their cuteness! Some love feline creatures and their elegance. Even though it is a “dogs world”, there are some folks who seek comfort and companionship in their cats. And, trust me, they are not as weird as we think them to be (at least not at all what I thought). Now, when it comes to service requirements, we often encounter people preferring dogs. The same goes while choosing an emotional support animal. However, an emotional support cat is equally helpful for patients suffering from ailments like anxiety, stress, or depression. Are you worried whether your kitty is perfect as an emotional support animal or not? An emotional support cat offers the same love and affection for their masters. Even though cats are relatively more aloof than canine counterparts, it does not mean that they cannot be an ESA.  If you want a cat for your mental or emo...

Pets Can Spread or Contract COVID-19: Fact or Fiction?

Every news channel, every social media post and every person you know, only talks about COVID-19. This is because it’s global and getting more serious with time. As uncertainty surrounds this novel coronavirus. People have more questions than ever, with most of them left unanswered. One of the most common questions that are doing circles among people is related to the safety of their pets. If you own a pet like a cat or an emotional support dog . You may also be wondering. Can pets spread or contract COVID-19? Well, let’s find out. What’s the Truth? Most questions related to pets and coronavirus must be from concerned owners who treat their pets like family. However, there may be some who had this doubt after learning that COVID-19 began from a wild animal. This piece of information is a fact. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 is known to have jumped from animals to humans. However, the exact animal is still not confirmed. So what about pets. What role do they play in t...

How to Get an Emotional Support Animal?

Animals are the loveliest creature! They uplift your mood at all times. Their support and companionship are unconditional! Hence, people who have pets at their homes are comparatively emotionally more stable. There has been a recent trend of owning emotional Support Animals to cure and soothe a person from its mental disorder. The disorders range from being mild to severe; normal stress or tension to high-end illnesses. Do you want to get yourself an Emotional Support Animal? All you need is an Emotional Support Animal Letter to be qualified for it! Wondering how can you get one? Pets and Emotional Support Animals! I know life can stress and depress, but you always have your pets to save you from drowning at your home! What about other places? Like when you travel, or when you’re at work, when you go to a restaurant alone; you need that companion by your side. To take your pet wherever you want, you need it to be ESA certified. To certify your pets to become an Emotional...

Manage your Social Phobia with an Emotional Support Dog

Are you suffering from social phobia? You are not alone. More than 7 percent of American adults are currently suffering from this condition. Having social phobia feels like being under observation all the time, even when no one is actually looking at you. And this makes interacting with others very difficult. You are trapped indoors all the time, and you cut off all your connections with the social world. But thankfully, something can help you cure this condition. No, I am not talking about medications, but a furry and fluffy four-legged friend.  Though dogs are not for everyone, there is no denying the fact that they are great as companions. And with so much love and support they shower you with, you can easily recover from any of your psychological condition. And therefore, if you are suffering from social phobia, an emotional support dog might be a great answer to your problems. Not convinced yet? Let’s see how an emotional support dog can help you fight your social pho...

Emotional Support Dog Can Keep you Mentally Stable

An emotional support dog is a blessing. There are multiple reasons I’m saying this. A dog is a man’s best friend. You’ve probably heard of that a lot. Well, you cannot challenge this fact because dogs are valuable indeed. They bring a sense of ease and comfort.  The present phase of human life is pretty challenging. Mental friction exists in the form of stress and anxiety. These conditions are mentally taxing and become a barrier in normal life. So, you need a mode of escape that works. Most people take prescription medicines to ease mental stress. Well, these work but come with the side-effects. Well, with dogs, just their presence is enough. Dogs are Great Stress Busters Ever observed how a dog pounces at you after you’re back from work? Well, if you ever owned a dog, you know what I mean. This innocence is what is relaxing to the mind. You get a feeling that there is someone who is actually worried about you. This goes to make a great difference in your mental status....

This is Why Your Dog is Eating Dirt

Dogs love human connection. All they want is love and care from you. In return, you get a loyal and loving partner. If you are in a mood or are upset about anything, just play with a pup, and you will see the change in your mood. That’s why they are used as emotional support animals by a lot of people. An ESA can stay with its owner in an apartment with a no-pets policy. The landlord can not say no to this. This happens due to the Fair Housing Act and emotional support animal. But, you may notice that your dog is interested in eating dirt. There can be many reasons why he is doing that. So, let’s learn about what are the possible reasons for him looking for treasure in the dirt. His Food is Not Good Maybe he’s just looking to get some minerals, vitamins, or some probiotic bacteria. Chances are that his diet is not providing him all that. So, an unbalanced diet can be a reason.  Eating dirt can be a pica disorder. In this disorder, a dog would eat things other than food. This...

Emotional Support Animal California Laws you Should Know.

The prevalence of emotional support animals is increasing. Well, that’s understandable. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are increasing. So, we need a viable mode of treatment. Most medications come with the side-effects. ESAs presents us with a much safer mode of treatment. Well, before you get one, you should know the emotional support animal California laws.  Most people confuse ESAs with service dogs. You should know that the two are entirely different.  So, What is an Emotional Support Animal? An emotional support animal is an animal that brings a sense of relaxation, mental balance, and emotional stability. They are not trained to perform any specific task and that makes them different from service animals. ESAs enhance the well-being of the patients through their presence. This method is safer than mainstream medications as it’s natural and without any side-effects.  How to Get an Emotional Support Animal? The process to get an emotional...