Emotional Support Animal California Laws you Should Know.

The prevalence of emotional support animals is increasing. Well, that’s understandable. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are increasing. So, we need a viable mode of treatment. Most medications come with the side-effects. ESAs presents us with a much safer mode of treatment. Well, before you get one, you should know the emotional support animal California laws. 
Most people confuse ESAs with service dogs. You should know that the two are entirely different. 
So, What is an Emotional Support Animal?
An emotional support animal is an animal that brings a sense of relaxation, mental balance, and emotional stability. They are not trained to perform any specific task and that makes them different from service animals. ESAs enhance the well-being of the patients through their presence. This method is safer than mainstream medications as it’s natural and without any side-effects. 
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal?
The process to get an emotional support animal is pretty simple. First, you need to contact a certified mental health specialist and let him evaluate your health. If you don’t want to physically visit the doctor, there are a lot of telemedicine-based online clinics.


Just apply online and the clinic will analyze your application. Then, it links you to a certified mental health expert who evaluates your health. If the doctor feels that your health condition demands the presence of an animal, you’re eligible to get an ESA letter. Or you can get your pet registered as an emotional support animal and the letter serves as proof about your mental health status. 
Well, to acquaint yourself with full advantages, you should be aware of some basic laws. 
Emotional Support Animal California Laws
The California law protects the rights of emotional support animal owners. 
Housing Laws
Under the Fair Employment and Housing Act of California, the landlord has no right to stop you from living with your emotional support animal. Also, he cannot request a pet deposit from you. Instead, he may request a proof of documentation. So, you can provide him with an ESA letter and get the right to live with your pet freely. 
Traveling Laws
The Air Carrier Access Act gives you the right to fly with your pet on an airplane. To travel without any hassle, you need to present proof of your condition. It means that you need to carry your ESA letter and verify it with the authorities. Ideally, you should inform the authorities in advance and do the entire documentation process at once. 
Every airline has its own set of guidelines. So, make sure you educate yourself on the same and stay prepared for the journey.
ESA Employer Laws
The employers are obliged to allow you to bring your pet at work. Just like housing, the employer cannot discriminate against you on the basis of your health status. Just carry your ESA letter to verify your status and earn the right to work with a good headspace. 
Although these laws are pretty beneficial, the emotional support animals are not allowed in public places. This includes public transport too. At present, only the service animals are allowed this provision.
So, the emotional support animal California laws surely make your life easier. They protect your rights and let you live with your pet without any hassle. 


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