How to Get an Emotional Support Animal?

Animals are the loveliest creature! They uplift your mood at all times. Their support and companionship are unconditional!

Hence, people who have pets at their homes are comparatively emotionally more stable. There has been a recent trend of owning emotional Support Animals to cure and soothe a person from its mental disorder. The disorders range from being mild to severe; normal stress or tension to high-end illnesses.

Do you want to get yourself an Emotional Support Animal? All you need is an Emotional Support Animal Letter to be qualified for it! Wondering how can you get one?

Pets and Emotional Support Animals!

I know life can stress and depress, but you always have your pets to save you from drowning at your home! What about other places? Like when you travel, or when you’re at work, when you go to a restaurant alone; you need that companion by your side.

To take your pet wherever you want, you need it to be ESA certified. To certify your pets to become an Emotional Support Animal, you need a letter!

Visit a mental health doctor or a professional!

If you think you have some mental health issues like stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, or other emotional/mental health illness, visit the doctor! They may prescribe you an emotional support animal who would be with you all throughout the day. 

However, as per law, you’re not supposed to take pets anywhere you go like your work, eatery or planes! But, they always allow an emotional Support Animal is always for people with certain mental issues.

Request for a Prescription!

Hey, you need not register your pet legally! A simple prescription letter from your mental healthcare provider is sufficient! This letter is only evidence of your mental issue and needs for an animal nearby!

Pets at your Residence / WorkPlace!

Obviously, there are some places which are not pet-friendly and hence you need an exception letter for these places. Yes, they are not Service Animals that can go with you everywhere you want, but there can be certain exceptions.
In writing to allow you to have your pet at your residence and workplace. Attach the prescription for proof, too. 

Picking Up a Pet!

It is okay if you already have a pet and want it to be everywhere you go! You’re lucky! However, there are some who are confused about picking up a pet to aid them emotionally! People can have weird desires while choosing their pets. It can be a peacock or a rodent!

The best option is to adopt from a local shelter, instead of visiting a pet store. There is no restriction on what pet can you choose as what matters is that those animals soothe your mental illness.

In today’s time, you can get an official ESA Letter online too. It is easier, convenient and quicker; you can easily avoid the hassle of visiting the doctors and waiting in a queue.

There will be a quick online examination with a questionnaire, and you qualify for an ESA if you pass the exam! Since you’ve passed, you will get your prescription letter for Emotional Support Animal.

I hope that your support animal cures all your mental illness! Let me know what animal did you choose and how did it help with your issues!


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