What are the Benefits of Emotional Support Cats?

Whenever one talks about the emotional support animal, the first thing that comes in mind is a dog. However, there are many other ESA’s such as cats that provide the same love and emotional support to the patients. The other animal species play the same role as the dog to comfort an individual. They help the person with an emotional or psychological disability to mitigate the negative symptoms and live a normal life. For an emotional support animal letter, you can get in touch with a mental health professional to get a recommendation.

Here are some of the mental health benefits of having an emotional support animal. 


Cats and other emotional support animals have profound effects on the psychology of the owner. They are always there to offer reassurance and compassion in the good and bad days. It is like having a loyal friend, by your side who never makes you feel lonely and provides continuous emotional support. In any situation, when the person has an ESA by their side, they don’t feel rejected making it easy for them to cope with the mental disorder. Even if you live in rented accommodation, you can keep a pet, if you have an ESA letter. 

Reduces Stress 

Mental health professionals have been advising to spend time with the ESA pet to lower the stress levels. Taking a pet along in a public place not only reduces anxiety but also keep an individual away from the feeling of alienation. Moreover, spending time with pets leaves a calming effect, making the owner and the pet comfortable. When you connect with the pet, your body releases oxytocin, the chemical with anti-stress properties. Reduction in stress will also lead to lower levels of cortisol and blood pressure. People who are accompanied by an ESA are less anxious owing to the comfort provided by the pet.

Reduces Anxiety 

ESA is quite useful for managing anxiety. The familiarity and security offered by the emotional support animals keep the person calm and comfortable. They reduce the feeling of uneasiness, even when the owner and the ESA go to the public place or meet new people.

Keeps Busy

When you have a pet by your side, they will help you in keeping mind off the issues. As they will be plaguing you all day, you will more happy and cheerful. 

Even if you had a busy day at the office, spending some time with the pet is an excellent solution to deal with various mental health issues. Though some places may have some restrictions, you can take the emotional support animals to various places. An emotional support animal provides people with disabilities support to perform daily activities.


As mentioned above, emotional support animals like cats and dogs are quite helpful for people with mental disabilities to live happily. The exceptional benefits of having an emotional support animal include the opportunity to socialize with other people and animals in the parks. These creatures act as good ice breakers to interact with people in the neighborhood. Even a grooming session or going to the vet is a good way to meet new people.


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