Manage your Social Phobia with an Emotional Support Dog

Are you suffering from social phobia? You are not alone. More than 7 percent of American adults are currently suffering from this condition. Having social phobia feels like being under observation all the time, even when no one is actually looking at you. And this makes interacting with others very difficult. You are trapped indoors all the time, and you cut off all your connections with the social world.
But thankfully, something can help you cure this condition. No, I am not talking about medications, but a furry and fluffy four-legged friend. 
Though dogs are not for everyone, there is no denying the fact that they are great as companions. And with so much love and support they shower you with, you can easily recover from any of your psychological condition. And therefore, if you are suffering from social phobia, an emotional support dog might be a great answer to your problems.
Not convinced yet? Let’s see how an emotional support dog can help you fight your social phobia and make your life a lot better.

They Offer Solace to the Sufferer

Though the symptoms seem very common and easy to notice, curing the symptoms of social phobia isn’t very easy. Dealing with social anxiety is a big challenge for people. And during this tough phase, having an emotional support dog can make a huge difference. An ESA dog has the ability to make your totally unmanageable life liveable again. 
Animals, particularly dogs, can make an unmatched positive impact on their owner’s life, especially when they are suffering from any mental disorder.
Here are some of the ways your emotional support dog can enhance our lives.
  • ESA dogs help keep the anxiety level in control.
  • They keep the heart rate and blood pressure in control.
  • They help people recover from stress very quickly.
These are just a few examples. There are a lot of other benefits, too, of having an ESA. 

ESAs make Social Situations Much Easier

Social situations are all around us. And we can’t just avoid them. But facing a social situation is what makes the person suffering from this problem so intimidated.
An emotional support dog can benefit the sufferer a lot by reducing his stress level and providing him with much-needed motivation. It gives non-judgmental support to the owner which makes facing social situations much easier for them. Also, dogs are perfect ice-breakers, especially in a casual situation. They inspire you to start up a conversation with the people you don’t even know. No matter what the situation is, your dog can make it so much easier for you.

Relationships Start with a Loving Dog

Social anxiety is a product of the fear of judgment and criticism. And therefore, it’s very hard to make an intimate and close relationship with other people. An emotional support dog can provide you with an environment free of judgment and criticism. And this is the first step toward making a healthy relationship. 

Various studies suggest that looking into a dog's eyes can have the same effect as looking into another person’s eyes. This helps you open up emotionally which you couldn’t do before because of the fear of being judged brought by the social phobia.

This is not just it. There are many other ways an emotional support dog can help you. Research has proved that an ESA can help you treat numerous psychological ailments including stress, anxiety, depression and many more. So if you are thinking of getting one for yourself, you can never go wrong.


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