5 Tips for Your Future Emotional Support Cats

Cats, too, rule in this dog’s world- guide to choosing your feline Emotional support Cat.

Not everyone is fond of dogs and their cuteness! Some love feline creatures and their elegance. Even though it is a “dogs world”, there are some folks who seek comfort and companionship in their cats. And, trust me, they are not as weird as we think them to be (at least not at all what I thought).

Now, when it comes to service requirements, we often encounter people preferring dogs. The same goes while choosing an emotional support animal. However, an emotional support cat is equally helpful for patients suffering from ailments like anxiety, stress, or depression.

Are you worried whether your kitty is perfect as an emotional support animal or not? An emotional support cat offers the same love and affection for their masters. Even though cats are relatively more aloof than canine counterparts, it does not mean that they cannot be an ESA. 

If you want a cat for your mental or emotional issues, then here are some tips for your cats.

Tips For Your Emotional Support Cat

Very few people choose cats as their emotional support animals because of their aloof nature. Thus, it becomes tricky to select a perfect breed. Remember, nothing is valuable beyond the love that a feline has for you. However, these tips are really a helping-hand for picking your typical partner.

Tip #1- Breed Specifics

Variations are available in all species and so in cactus too. Not all cats are friendly and outgoing. Therefore, it is essential to find a breed that soothes you and also provides you comfort. Now, if your professional has prescribed you an emotional support animal, and you want a cat for yourself, find a perfect breed for you. As observed, varieties like the Scottish Fold, Tonkinese, and Ragdoll are quite famous amongst cat-owners.

Tip #2- No Feral Cats

Say NO to that stray street cat you picked up roadside months ago. It is incredible to rescue such cats from their tragedies, but they cannot be your emotional support partner. These cats are wild, nervous, and always afraid of humans. I do not intend to imply that they cannot be tamed. However, it will take lots of time, patience, and the right person to do so. Thus, if you are looking for an ESA cat, leave those strays to experts.

Tip #3- Bonding

What bond you share with your emotional support animal matters a lot. Regardless of what breed you choose, if you do not form a bond of compassion and love, then your ESA treatment is not going right. Cats develop a close connection with their humans when they are young. Yes, that is why kittens do not leave you alone. Plus, if your breeder is well-reputed, kittens shall already be socialized.

Tip #4- Indoors Only

It is believed that indoor cats are more social to humans as they are less open to the wilds. Also, keeping them from going out protects your feline from the dangers of the outside world. Injuries are less likely to happen or even go missing one fine day.

Tip #5- Spay or Neuter

Reproduction is a part of felines too. Hence, an unaltered cat is invited trouble for you. Males left unaltered tend to mark their urine and are aggressive in nature. Whereas, female cats left intact are more likely to come into heat and want to breed. Due to which she will try her best to escape to breed. Now, having added worries to your own is not a solution to your emotional issues. Hence, look for a spay or neuter.


Making any animal your emotional support partner is not a difficult task- dogs or cats! Take care of the tips, and you will own an exemplary emotional support cat. Remember, you will need an ESA letter from a licensed therapist if you experience panic attacks, depression, anxiety, or any other mental illnesses. Finally, I cannot make a decision for you on how to choose an emotional support cat for you. Follow your instincts and choose on which you have your heart!


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