Learn The Mental Health Benefits of Being Around an ESA

An emotional support animal is any animal that can provide mental health support through their empathetic and loving nature. Dogs and cats are the most common options when you think about adopting an ESA, but they certainly are not the only option. Today, through an ESA letter you can legally adopt an emotional support animal after a valid recommendation from a doctor. However, when you’re living in a country where almost 20 percent of the total population is suffering from one or the other mental illnesses. It’s more important to understand how these furry animals are more than just a friendly companion, They help Produce Pleasure Hormones The loving and loyal nature of dogs or other ESAs can help them form an intense bond with their humans. Which could stimulate your neurotransmission activity and cause an increase in dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the pleasure response. This often happens without the person re...