Learn The Mental Health Benefits of Being Around an ESA

 An emotional support animal is any animal that can provide mental health support through their empathetic and loving nature.  Dogs and cats are the most common options when you think about adopting an ESA, but they certainly are not the only option.

Today, through an ESA letter you can legally adopt an emotional support animal after a valid recommendation from a doctor.

However, when you’re living in a country where almost 20 percent of the total population is suffering from one or the other mental illnesses.  It’s more important to understand how these furry animals are more than just a friendly companion,

They help Produce Pleasure Hormones

The loving and loyal nature of dogs or other ESAs can help them form an intense bond with their humans. Which could stimulate your neurotransmission activity and cause an increase in dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the pleasure response. 

This often happens without the person realizing such responses. Such as, when you’re looking in your dog’s eyes or hugging your cat or maybe just having a walk with your pony.

Can Reduce Anxiety Levels

If you already are living with an ESA then you’d know how their support can help reduce general anxiety. Being around ESAs causes an increase in serotonin levels in the brain which boosts the feeling of general wellness and happiness. And high serotonin levels also help to alleviate general anxiety. 

Moreover, with your ESA letter, you can travel with your ESA in-flight cabin. Which could be very helpful for people who have severe social anxiety issues.

Their Empathetic Nature Can Alleviate Loneliness & Depression

Being around an ESA can help you develop a special bond that could be hard to find otherwise. Emotionally supportive animals provide a feeling of togetherness and give unconditional love which could be rare among humans. This turns out to be very supportive and beneficial for people going through a depressive phase or suffering from acute/chronic depression. 

Spending sometime of the day could help you get back on track and provide you the emotional stability you could be missing.

Your ESA Can Help Regulate Everyday Feelings

The loving nature of animals can be a mere reminder that how in our day-to-day activities we forget to be kind and loving. This takes a lot of resistance off from the day and keeping these simple things in mind could brighten your work environment too.

Dogs as an ESA Can Help You Get in Shape

As you would generally consider, the studies also say, people who have a dog in the house are more likely to go out for a morning walk or a jog.  Along with this, it’s found that dog owners have 33 percent less chances of having a cardiovascular disease.

There can be a lot of fun activities which you can do with your ESA, like take them out for a trial run, go hiking or for a swim. Or maybe train your ESA outdoors.

Name :- My ESA Doctor

Phone No :-  (866) 360-5652

Address :- 2001 East 1st St Ste 102 Santa Ana, CA 92705

Website Url:- https://myesadoctor.com/


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