What Vegetables My Dog Cannot Eat?

 What do you feed your pooch to give nutrition and keep it healthy? Remember, if you have an emotional support dog ( which you can have if you have an emotional support animal letter). 

Your dog needs to be at its best healthy to help you stay mentally healthy. Some dog owners feed vegetables to their dogs in order to give the required nutrition and proteins. However, not all veggies are beneficial for your pooch. On the other hand, some vegetables are really beneficial for their health and can be given as a treat. 

Dogs are omnivorous animals, hence only meat is not enough for them to keep them healthy and their immune system strong. So, here are some vegetables that dogs should and should not eat.

Vegetables that dogs cannot eat


A non-toxic and safe to feed to the dog only when prepared adequately. To feed asparagus to your dog, cut it into smaller pieces so that they do not choke on them. Make sure to slightly sook the asparagus you feed to the dog. At least steam it or grill it. It does not matter whether you cook it with or without fat.


Mushrooms can be really toxic to dogs, depending upon the type. If mushrooms can be toxic to humans, how come not to dogs? However, store-bought mushrooms are considered safer to feed to dogs and also have several health benefits. It is advised to avoid mushrooms unless you are 100% sure that they are non-toxic.

Onions and Allium Spices

Onions and other allium species contain N-propyl disulfide alkaloid which is really toxic to dogs. The other allium species include garlic, chives, and leeks. All these are poisonous dogs whether cooked or not. 

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts might not be toxic but should only be given to dogs in a moderate amount. A little extra Brussel sprout upsets the digestive tracts, primarily causing bloating and gas. These contain a healthy amount of sugar and health benefiting compounds. That is why they are an excellent choice for the dogs struggling with weight issues but do not prepare them in fat.


Dogs are least likely to eat cabbage but even if you do find some way to feed them cabbage, worry not. Cabbage is not toxic but yes it can cause bloating and gas. Plus, the thiocyanate in a significant amount found in cabbage can cause thyroid-related problems (mainly hypothyroidism) in dogs.


Similar to cabbage and Brussel sprouts, beets are also not toxic but yet a little troublesome for your pup. Raw beets upset the gastrointestinal tract which results in bowel obstruction. Also, some say that beets can give rise to bladder stones. It is advised to not feed beets to your dog- no matter cooked or not. They are not the best choice for your healthy and happy pooch.

What are the signs of poisoning?

  • Change in pulse
  • Anemia
  • Dark red or brown-colored urine
  • Pale Gums
  • Lethargy
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Staggering

Now, make sure you do not feed them the above-mentioned vegetables and keep you ESA healthy!


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