What are the Ideal Dog Breeds for Your Emotional Support Dog?

 We all know that an emotional support animal is supposed to provide therapeutic benefits to the owner. It includes relieving from anxiety and make the owner comfortable in social gatherings. And, all this is achieved without any exclusive training! 

And, without a doubt, most of us prefer an emotional support dog as an ESA. Of course, dogs are the most loved and preferred ones, however, we all still have an individual choice when it comes to choosing the breed. Depending upon the individual’s taste and requirements from an emotional support animal, the breeds are chosen. 

However, a few of the most common features all emotional support dogs possess are being gentle, trainable, laid back, and sociable. To make choosing a breed easier for you, some of them are discussed below. 

American Staffordshire Terrier

They are the pit-bull types of dogs who have been misaligned for years now! Perhaps, it is due to the unfortunate reviews, results of the owners. Still, some of them consider them friendly enough to be an emotional support dog. Besides publicizing the aggressive nature of some of the dogs of such breed, the owners forget to talk about the soft, friendly, and devoted sides of this breed. It is observed that with proper training and enough socialization, this dog breed can easily get along with people and help those in need of emotional support to a great extent.

Golden Retriever

These are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. Almost every 5th dog owner has or had a Golden retriever in his life. They are called family dogs and are preferred as an emotional support animal to help people overcome their issues and challenges. Their over friendliness and patient demeanors make them ideal as an emotional support dog or just a family dog. They are absolutely fit for a family- for all the ages- kids or adults or old people. On the other hand, they can be trained easily- this is an extra bonus! 

Labrador Retriever

When you start searching for which is the best emotional support animal, service dogs, or therapy dogs- this is probably the common dog breed you come across. Lab dogs are really very kind, gentle, and friendly. They have a strong desire to connect with people and please them. Labrador Retrievers are considered perfect for the ones who are in need of a companion outside their homes. They are absolutely a perfect company if you are interested to explore the outside world. 


There is much more than just the preferred breed of the queen of England! These small and affectionate dogs are really good with the humans of all ages- kids or adults! Moreover, their intelligence makes them one of the excellent breeds to train. Also, these breeds require a lot of mental and physical exercise. 


If you are planning to get an emotional support animal for you soon, make sure that you get an ESA letter from a licensed professional in order to avoid any troubles in the future.

Name :- My ESA Doctor

Phone No :-  (866) 360-5652

Address :- 2001 East 1st St Ste 102 Santa Ana, CA 92705

Website Url:- https://myesadoctor.com/


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