Make Your New Year Pawsome With These Furry-Friendly Ideas

New year’s eve is the best way to rewind your memories, good or bad, and send them away to welcome the new year filled with hope and colors. It’s time to celebrate a new year. Unfortunately, the idea of celebrations can sound a little crazy for your furry friends as they don’t like the idea of fireworks or loud music. So, staying with them or planning a New Year’s Eve party with your companion can be a perfect idea to start your 2020. 

Don’t feel bad that you can’t attend a party. You can obviously dress up and wear your favorite heels or just go with your comfortable slippers. No stress at all. Only you and your dog can lighten and brighten the new year quickly. That’s why patients with mental health issues go for an emotional support dog letter for the sole reason to be with your companion animal. Doesn’t it sound like a relaxing way to start a new year? Here are some of the ways to start your year with your furry friend. 

Get Set Go With a Movie Marathon 

If you wish to start your year with a relaxed mind, the best way would be a movie night with your dog. You can cuddle and snuggle and watch “Hotel for Dogs” or “101 Dalamation”, or “Bolt.” Classic movies that your dog with treats, of course. 

Plan a Party For Your Dog 

A dog party will be the best way to tell your companion that you care. You can call your friends as well. Of course, the ones that your dog adores. Mocktails, dog treats, and chill. That’s not. Make sure not to try anything fancy that will irritate your furry friend. You can also plan a baking party for your dog friend. If you have any recipe that you wished to try for your companion, take some time, and prepare the meal. You both deserve better for the coming year. And deserts are a great way to welcome the new year. 

Make Your Dog Comfortable 

Your dog can feel stressed with all the festivities going around. The best way to help you and your furry friend is by making a super comfortable environment. Sneek in the blanket and watch a great Netflix series. A cozy and comfy way to start in 2020. Isn’t it?

Plan a Playdate With Your Dog

Playdates are great for you and your dog. Precisely why doctors recommend patients applying for an emotional support dog letter to play games or go out for trips with dogs, it’s a great booster for you both. Imagine watching your dog getting excited to catch the ball as you throw one towards him. 


While these were some of the ways to plan a great evening with your furball, you can also make some resolutions this year with your dog for a healthy mind and body in the coming year. 
  • Make sure to start an exercise regimen five times a week. This is pretty easy for you. You can start by playing with your dog and let him chase the ball or his favorite toy.
  • Go for an annual physical check-up for your dog. Just one appointment can help you to avoid any major health issues for the rest of the year.
  • Take good care of yourself and your dog for a great 2020. Make sure to maintain your health records and obtain your emotional support dog letter in case the validity is about to expire. 
Dogs are man’s best friend. But, you need to shower love and care as well to make them feel loved. That’s how they can help you live a prosperous and healthy new year.


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