Treating Heartworms In Your Dog Using Alternative Methods

There cannot be a relationship more pious than one between a dog and his human. No Sire! We grow together, we play together, we eat together, and we sleep together. Nonetheless, just like the rest of living organisms, your best pal is prone to diseases too. Among the lethal most diseases/conditions in dogs is of the heartworms. Nothing can be more heartbreaking than listening to the words, “he has heartworm,” from your canine’s vet. The problem with this condition is that the orthodox treatment is a daunting prospect; they inject the patient with Immitcide, highly dangerous. So, here are some alternative methods to treat your dog with heartworms;


Some vets may start the Immitcide treatment by first giving the dog a few shots of antibiotics to be on the safer side. So, it is a very effective way of living life. The worms planted in your dog by those god damned mosquitoes will release bacteria when they are going to die. These same bacteria can later root bacteremia in the dog. Hence a four-week antibiotics course is a must for your doggo, just so he would not get blood-poisoning.

One Can Choose Homeopathy

Well, there are a big of people who would be skeptic about choosing homeopathy. But when it comes to saving the life of your loved ones, tough decisions are demanded. At worst, homeopathic medicine, will not just work; there are no adverse effects of the same. If you are consulting a good doctor, the drug would immune readiness and boost your canine’s levels of health. What I like about homeopathy is that rather than prescribing the same medicine for every dog, it digs deep into individual history and then prepare the prescription accordingly.

What One Can Do At Home

Getting rid of these devil’s minions is not easy; it needs some serious medication and equally serious understanding of a dog’s body. Unfortunately, there are no home remedies for heartworms, but what you can do is to prevent your dog from the mosquitos. You can go for an ESA Dog Vest and build a proper wall between your dog and the demon-mosquitoes. You can also use other methods like turmeric root, wormwood, clove flower buds, black walnut, and mugwort for keeping mosquitoes away from your dog. A mosquito repellent stick can also be used, but only after a consultation with your dog’s vet. 


So, these are some of the alternative ways to treat heartworms in a dog; you can use rather than putting your dog’s life to the danger, with medicines like Immitcide. Nonetheless, if the rest of the treatments are not working and your pooch got the worms even after wearing an ESA dog vest, then you must do the necessary and go on with the procedure. Dogs are our family, and one cannot abandon the family when they need you the most. Heartworms can put your dog to the ground if you are not quick enough to trace and treat it. 


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